

How much BARLEYmax®︎ is it best to eat in one day?

  • English

BARLEYmax®︎ is gaining popularity as a low GI food that helps control sugar intake. You can mix it into rice, boil it and putting it on salads, and more.

Some people wonder how much they should take, or whether or not its effect will increase the more they eat. To answer these questions, we would like to introduce the results of the research and development conducted by Teijin’s gut health brand, and the top BARLEYmax®︎ in Japan, Biolier.

Recommended BARLEYmax®︎ quantities

If you have a tendency to feel constipated, we recommend that you take 12g (one tablespoon) of BARLEYmax®︎ per day (*1).
This is because those who took 12g of BARLEYmax®︎ daily for four weeks showed an increase in its .

Continued use of BARLEYmax®︎ improves intestinal flora

Even more noteworthy is that this effect continues to a certain extent even after you stop using it. This means that it has the potential to help maintain your health with continued use.
This is thought to be because BARLEYmax®︎ contains high levels of soluble dietary fibers called β-glucan and fructan, as well as resistant starches.

Eating BARLEYmax®︎

Many people start to suffer from constipation or other issues with their bowel movements when they are not careful. This sometimes requires medicine to rectify, but having a way to improve these issues via your daily habit would be much better. If you think that BARLEYmax®︎ is for you, here are some recommended ways to consume 12g per day.

Mix it into your rice when you cook it

One tablespoon of BARLEYmax®︎ is equal to 12 grams, which is exactly the recommended daily intake. Depending on how much rice you eat in a day, we recommend the using the following method to get it into your rice.

  • If you eat one cup (two large servings) of rice in a day, one tablespoon per cup
  • If you eat about one bowl of rice in a day, one tablespoons per cup

Making delicious rice with BARLEYmax®︎
BARLEYmax®︎ is rich in dietary fiber. Want to try it, but don’t know what it tastes like? Do you need to know how to cook it? Biolier, the masters of BARLEYmax®︎, will answer your questions. BARLEYmax®︎…

BARLEYmax®︎ becomes an versatile topping when boiled

While we can’t recommend too much moderation in taking carbs, we do know that many people are carbohydrate conscious. Other people might want to eat it with their white rice. For people like this, we recommend this BARLEYmax®︎ recipe, which allows it to be boiled and stored. It can be used as a topping for soups and salads, as well as for hamburgers and ground fish dumplings by mixing it in with the ground meat.
*The recipe is published a number of recipes to great acclaim!

Potato salad topped with BARLEYmax®︎ Cabbage rolls with BARLEYmax®︎ substituted for meat

How to boil and store BARLEYmax®︎
It can be a bit of a challenge to eat a lot of vegetables even if you know you don’t get enough dietary fiber. A lot of people are unsure of how to incorporate fiber into their diets, whether for gut health or for family members that don’t like vegetables…


The above article reported that 12g of BARLEYmax®︎ per day can change the frequency and volume of your bowel movements based on verified results.
It is important to be aware of the 12g requirement, and to keep using it every day.
Some people say that they are addicted to the crunchy texture and umami flavor it has. Take this opportunity to try it and improve your health today!

*1: BARLEYmax®︎ was developed by the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
Reference: Jpn Pharmacol Ther (Pharmacology and Therapeutics ) 2017; 45(6): 1047-55
December 16th, 2021