

Commentary on the results of verifying the immune effect of BARLEYmax®︎

  • English

The interest in immunity is increasing, various media are explaining the mechanism of immunity, and health management methods and diets to enhance immunity are being introduced. In this manner, opportunities to obtain information on immunity have increased considerably more than ever before.

The close relationship between dietary fiber and immunity

It has become widely known that dietary fiber is an essential nutritional ingredient for improving the intestinal environment, partly due to the influence of the increase in the popularity of living a lifestyle that promotes intestinal health.

Read together
If you are wondering what fermentation is and what the benefits of increasing short-chain fatty acids are, please also check out this article (The key to boosting immunity is the intestines. Let’s live a lifestyle that encourages fermentation in the body).

Read more about highly resistant ingredients here (“Resistant starch” that balances diet and health benefits).


We have told you that taking BARLEYmax®︎ can lead to a certain improvement in gastrointestinal function. When choosing grains, the amount of dietary fiber is important, but if you focus on the type of dietary fiber such as fructans and resistant starch, the expected effects may increase with a higher possibility, so it may be a good idea to check it out.

In addition, in Biolier’s Recommended Lifestyle for intestinal Health, the reasons that intestinal flora is attracting attention now and so on are also introduced, so please check it out.

At Biolier, we will continue to elucidate the power of ingredients such as BARLEYmax®︎ to maintain health through living a lifestyle that promotes intestinal health.

Check this out! Foods with a lot of dietary fiber are introduced here (ranking of foods with a lot of dietary fiber).

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  • Commentary on the results of verifying the immune effect of BARLEYmax®︎