

BARLEYmax®︎ is a low GI food that does not raise your blood sugar levels. What are the GI values for BARLEYmax®︎?

  • English

The interest in foods that do not raise blood glucose levels is growing, due to the fact that rapid rises in blood glucose levels after meals can cause health issues. In this article, we touch on foods with low GO levels and how to eat them in a way that prevents your blood glucose levels from going up after your meals.

What’s so good about low GI foods?

GI is a number that indicates the degree to which your blood glucose levels rise after a meal. Low GI foods are foods with a low GI value.
People are recommended low GI foods because they help to moderate the absorption of carbohydrates, thereby decreasing the burden on the body.

Blood glucose levels always rise after you eat a meal due to hormone level changes. If this happens suddenly, the amount and timing at which insulin is produced can be incorrect, resulting in the amount of glucose in the blood increasing. This can cause a vicious cycle where becomes difficult for the body to reduce its blood glucose levels. The following is recommended to help avoid this.

    Recommended eating habits

  • What you eat: Eat low GI foods
  • The order in which you eat: Start your meal with foods that are high in dietary fiber
  • How you chew: Chew slowly

The GI levels of major food groups

Let’s take a look at the GI values of some major foods.
The University of Sydney in Australia defines foods with a GI of 70 or higher as high GI foods, foods with a GI between 56 and 69 as medium GI foods, and foods with a GI below 55 as low GI foods.

Unfortunately, white rice and bread made from wheat (white bread), which we often eat and treat as staple foods, have a high GI, whereas cereals such as brown rice and fish are low GI foods.

GI values of primary foods

When it comes to carbohydrates, it’s generally said that brown carbs are preferable. It is true that a mixture of cereals has a lower GI value.

The GI of vegetables, fruits, and sweets

Potatoes, for example, have a lower value when boiled. A low GI diet may be achieved by means of using different cooking methods.
While sweets and other indulgences are generally high GI, there are some that are low GI, which is great for those with a sweet tooth. You can balance your health and your preferences by choosing sweets with their GI levels in mind.

BARLEYmax®︎ is low GI even when compared to other grains

Foods rich in dietary fiber tend to have low GI values. There are a lot of different types of grains, so it can be hard to choose one that’s right for you. It may be easier to choose one based on its dietary fiber content.
Barley tends to be very high in dietary fiber, and BARLEYmax®︎ is particularly low in GI levels. BARLEYmax®︎ has a GI value of 24, a third of that of white rice..
There are two types of dietary fiber: insoluble and soluble. Soluble dietary fiber slows the absorption of carbohydrates and suppresses the rise of blood glucose levels. Make sure you check out foods that are high in soluble dietary fiber.

Read also: The Constipation Savior? What is soluble fiber?
For more delicious ways to eat BARLEYmax®︎, please visit our recipe section for many main dishes, side dishes, and sweets.

Chewing thoroughly is also effective

To make sure your blood glucose levels rise slowly, start your meal by eating low GI foods, in addition to choosing them.
It is also important to chew your food well.

BARLEYmax®︎ is a cereal with a chewy texture. Chewing thoroughly adds sweetness and flavor to your meal. Add just one tablespoon to one cup of rice to make low GI rice meal. If you like to start out your meal with rice, this super barley is a great option to help you stay on your low GI diet.

Making delicious rice with BARLEYmax®︎
BARLEYmax®︎ is rich in dietary fiber. Want to try it, but don’t know what it tastes like? Do you need to know how to cook it? Biolier, the masters of BARLEYmax®︎, will answer your questions. BARLEYmax…


Reduce blood sugar spikes in your diet by choosing low GI foods like vegetables and fish, eating brown carbohydrates, and chewing your food well. A little forethought goes a long way in reducing health risks.

While it may be hard to constantly be conscious of GI levels, eating a lot of dietary fiber and adjusting the way you eat will help you maintain a healthy relationship with your food.

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  • BARLEYmax®︎ is a low GI food that does not raise your blood sugar levels. What are the GI values for BARLEYmax®︎?